You have stairs in your house, your folks house, your building, or your office... add a little something to your workout by using them and just your bodyweight to complete this workout. This is a great vacation, stay cation, sick day, or snow day workout.
8 Min AMRAP (as many reps/rounds as possible)
- 10 Toe Taps on bottom step (2=1)
- 10 Tricep Dips (hands on step elbows Back)
- 10 Inverted Push Ups (put your feet on the first or second step and hands on the floor)
- 10 Hops (like a baby box jump)
- 1 Lap (run up the stairs and down)
5 Rounds
Run Up the Stairs do 10 Squats
- Run Down do 10 Squats
5 Rounds
- 10 Shoulder Push Ups (put feet on steps butt in the air, body should look like upside down L) *See pic below
- 1 Hop Up Steps jog down
- 10 Box Jumps (Jump to the highest step you feel comfortable, modify by stepping to it)
- 1 Frog Hop Lap (hands on the steps hop feet to hands, or as close as you can) jog down
- 10 Squat Jumps
- 1 Legged Hop Up (R leg for one and L leg for one) jog down
Find a similar body position for the Shoulder Push Ups, then bend you arms and bring head towards the floor
5 Rounds
- 10 Split Leg Lunge Jumps (2=1)
- 1 Sprint Up the Steps jog down
- 10 Step Ups with a kick back (step Up to the second step and kick your leg straight back squeeze your butt)
- 1 Side step up the stairs (R+L side = 1) *Step on every other step
- 10 L Sit Pulses (Sit on the second step put your hands by your side and lift your heels off the floor and pulse for 10)
- 1 Legged Donkey Kick up the Stairs (R+L leg= 1) *put hands on step, hop with one foot up to your hands, or as close as you can get
5 Rounds
- Run Up the Stairs do 10 Squats
- Run Down the Stairs do 10 Squats
*Any time you go up the stairs you are jogging down